Economics Matters - a Newsletter, Podcast, and Financial Riddler for You!
Welcome to Economics Matters - the Newsletter, Economics Matters — the Podcast, and Economics Matters — the Financial Riddler. The newsletters and podcasts discuss our global, national, and personal economies. They cover geopolitical events, markets, macroeconomic conditions, politics, policy, and personal finance. As is clear from, I work on a ton of topics. Each newsletter will cover a range of issues with links to my columns for Forbes, The Hill, CNBC, and other media outlets. I’ll also critically assess other writers’ views on topics large and small. As you’ll see, I’m a tough critic. I think much of what passes for economic analysis and financial advice is half-baked. So get ready for a deeper understanding of economics and how you can personally succeed in these challenging times. The podcasts have and will feature top experts on economics and geopolitics from around the world. To date, they’ve included FT columnist, Martin Wolf, Washington Post columnist, Sebastian Mallaby, and NY Times best selling author, Roger Lowenstein, fabled personal finance columnist, Terry Savage, and a host of others you won’t want to miss. Finally, the Financial Riddler, which appears periodically, tests your financial knowledge. Think of it as a financial non-trivia quiz. It’s fun and teaches as it entertains. Please consider signing up as a paid subscriber. If not, I’d also love to have you on an unpaid basis.