Economics Matters by Laurence Kotlikoff
Economics Matters by Laurence Kotlikoff Podcast
Mr. Target Date Solutions, Ron Surz, Talks the Pros and Cons of Target Date Investing

Mr. Target Date Solutions, Ron Surz, Talks the Pros and Cons of Target Date Investing

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Economics Matters -- the Podcast has a terrific guest, Ron Surz, to give you the full rundown on Target Date Funds. As Ron tells it, these funds may be just right or just wrong for you depending on your situation. They may also be much riskier than you are led to believe. Indeed, Ron forecasts massive lawsuits facing employers who have defaulted their participants in risky Target Date Funds instead of the fiduciarily safe alternative, namely TIPS -- Treasury Inflation Protected Securities.

Ron Surz is president of Target Date Solutions, developer of the patented Safe Landing Glide Path, Soteria personalized target date accounts, and Age Sage do-it-yourself investing. He is also co-host of the Baby Boomer Investing Show. His passion is helping his fellow baby boomers at this critical time in their lives when they are relying on their lifetime savings to support a retirement with dignity, so he wrote a book Baby Boomer Investing in the Perilous 2020s and he provides a financial educational curriculum.

Economic Matters - The podcast is hosted by Laurence Kotlikoff and moderated by Alex Kotlikoff.

Laurence Kotlikoff is a Boston University Economist, a NY Times Best Selling Author, President of, and Author of Money Magic.

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Economics Matters by Laurence Kotlikoff
Economics Matters by Laurence Kotlikoff Podcast
Economics can make a massive difference - collectively and personally. Listen in as we chat with some of the most influential leaders in economics across the globe.