Recommended by Larry Kotlikoff
Niall's brilliant and a fantastic writer. I always learn a boatload of new, important, and insightful things from Niall's work. Niall's an old friend, so I could be biased. But I'm not.
I'm proud to serve as Steve Laffey's economic advisor in his run for President. Steve has clawed his way from extreme poverty to financial success with one overarching mission -- to fix America for our kids. Unlike the egomaniacal, content-free, third-graders running for President, Steve addresses our big problems with tough, fair, specific solutions. I'm extremely proud to serve as Steve's economic advisor. Listen closely to Steve. He's destined to make a monumental difference to our nation.
Romina Boccia of the CATO Institute is a voice of fiscal sanity in a nation -- ours -- that is hell bent on reproducing Argentina's century-long fiscal and economic suicide.
Howard Tullman is an extraordinary entrepreneur, investor, art collector, philanthropist, and commentator on American and global affairs. Whether or not you agree with his politics, Howard will inform and change your thinking on everything he covers, which is everything.