
Hi Liz, I guess he thinks everyone can sacrifice. But saving more today can mean losing a host of benefits tomorrow given our welfare system. I'll be focusing on this anon. best, Larry

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Sadly much of America today is based on sell, sell, sell....... buy, buy, buy, ........ right now - whatever it is you HAVE to have it now, not later, not when you can truly afford it, but RIGHT NOW! And a great number of the things people buy sadly do not last. So, you buy more and that falls apart and you buy more and that falls apart and........ Some (not all) options - Pay yourself first - set aside for the future consistently, live within your means, take care of the basics, learn how make and make do, buy quality products that last - do your research, take advantage of things that do not cost money like nature - you will feel better and be better, help others (like volunteer) any way you can - you will help them and yourself.............

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I see something in his rules that's essential, and it's not computation. It's money. Does he mention at any point what level of annual income you'd need to set up all those "special funds" AND invest in the stock market? So, the 40% of the population barely surviving should just die and reduce the surplus population, eh?

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