You'd need your earnings record. You may be able to pull it up at ssa.gov. best, Larry

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I ordered your software when I was working out various scenarios for SS for my husband and me on paper, one by one. With your software, I was able to view a multitude of choices. I was also able to print out various graphs that were helpful as my husband and I have different learning styles. It was a win for us.

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"over the heads of 70,000 million American Social Security beneficiaries. "

Oops, too many zeroes

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Great Article..Prof. Kotlikoff is the expert!

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How do I know if I have the data needed to verify my payment? (I've been drawing for many years. I may have the SSA report of my payments but probably not.)

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The notion the SSec has been and continues to be so poorly managed— a benefit we all come to rely on to whatever extent—makes me absolutely sick and a little terrified. They are scary, those people, as is our Congress.

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