
Hi John, I believe the Democrats on the FEC wanted to prosecute Trump but needed their Republican colleagues to support them. Michael Cohen went to jail for violating campaign finance law. If someone buys you a used suit for $10 from a thrift store so you'll have it to wear at the convention, probably it's not a campaign violation. If someone flys you around the country in their private jet to attend campaign events, probably it's an in-kind contribution that's illegal. Someone felt Cohen violated campaign law. Trump paid Cohen to make what was judged to be a criminal act. Case closed in my book. best, Larry

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Couldn't agree more. best, Kerry, Larry

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What would that testimony have been?

best, Larry

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Larry, here is a link to an explanation by the expert witness, Bradley Smith, who would have testified at the Trump trial had the judge not restricted the scope of his testimony--


Because the payments under a non-disclosure agreement are not for the sole purpose of helping a political campaign, for example, payments to Stormy Daniels prevented embarrassment in Trump's family and damage to his business reputation. Similar payments were made to the mistress of John Edwards and he was acquitted.

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Larry, your analysis of the "crime" is way off base. Even though the prosecutor with the help of the judge misled the jury by all of the evidence about hush and bribery money and campaign contributions, the 34 felony counts had to do with falsification of Trump organization accounting records by recording the Stormy Daniels NDA reimbursement payments to Michael Cohen as "legal expense". Accounting principles would not require that NDA payments be recorded as "hush" or "bribery" payments with a footnote about the color of Trump's pajamas and whether a condom was used. "Legal expense" seems appropriate to me as a former accountant. Even though the NY statute of limitations for making false accounting entries had run out, the jury was convinced that the misdemeanor accounting entries were made in furtherance of a FEC law violation even though the FEC and DOJ had reviewed the payments and decided not to prosecute. This case will surely be overturned by appeal, but the lawfare objective has been achieved by branding Trump as a convicted felon. At this point, the only equitable remedy is for the USSC to step in and undo the perversion of justice by the corrupt NY judicial system.

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BHA makes a very good point. Pretty sure Larry will be disappointed when the conviction gets overruled as even the liberal legal scholars think it will. My biggest concern, and it should be yours, is that the weaponization of the legal system will become a permanent fixture of American politics.

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The fact is that Donald Trump is a sociopath who is unqualified and unfit to lead a Cub Scout den, let alone a global empire. The persistent lying, the inability to assemble and maintain a functioning professional staff, the hiring of family members and inexperienced young women to fill key positions, the substitution of stunts for statesmanship--and let's not forget the attempted coup--are all mobster-like behavior. He may be a bright shiny object for people who feel left behind by the social and political changes of the past 50 years--and to people who want the US government and its regulations to be ineffective--but that doesn't make him suitable for public office. Like a child, Trump thinks the presidency is about personal power. It's about responsibility.

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The problem is that Merchan refused to allow testimony from an FEC official who would have testified contrary to your claim here.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

kinda-insane how many non-lawyers now feel confident that Trump's conviction will be overturned. these are the actual TDS victims - once you go MAGA, all reason and accountability is lost.

the idea that Trump's prosecution was political ignores two important facts: 1) Trump was indicted by a Grand Jury, whose members are anonymous. Any suggestion that the GJ was politically-motivated, when their identities are unknown, is ridiculous. 2) Alvin Bragg is the DA for SDNY; his job is to prosecute individuals who are indicted by Grand Juries. If anything, to NOT prosecute Trump would be a political decision.

Trump clearly wanted the Stormy Daniels story buried, so he paid-her-off. Then he fabricated records to hide his actions. There is damn-near zero doubt about his guilt; the only question is why are so many American's willing to forgive him for this ... and being a rapist ... and locking kids in cages ... and telling the country that COVID would be gone by Easter, four days after he acknowledged its potential fatality to Bob Woodward ... and extorting Ukraine for political favors ... and stealing Top Secret documents ... and conspiring to steal an election.

Did I miss anything?

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You ignored that the demand for hush money and the payment thereof happened long after the election.

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The last I knew, expectation of benefit from an illegal act isn't itself a crime. If it is, then every one of us can be arrested and convicted of a felony that hasn't happened yet. Makes me feel all warm and cozy.

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Larry I cannot believe the entire “liberal media” is unable explain the 34 felony convictions, but you can based on hiring an attorney for a political race you obviously did not prevail in. The real reason they cannot explain is because this is not over and they don’t want to hang their hat on any official explanation. It will come out in the wash that known and self admitted pathological liar, Michael Cohen, is the one who paid off SD for his (Cohen’s) affair with her! On 1/30/2018, SD issued a written statement denying any sexual relationship ever with Donald Trump. She went on to say she was never paid “hush money” but it simply never happened and both of them have denied it multiple times over the years.

Larry, you are a smart man but sooner or later you need to face the truth that you are suffering from a terminal case of TDS. Those who scream the loudest....

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