Agree fully. Will have a ton to say on this shortly. best, Larry

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Hi James, Pls call me next week to discuss. 617 834-2148

best, Larry

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If the agency is getting it wrong, we will help you sort them out. best, Larry


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Seems to me the real question is, if one establishes that something has gone awry with one's SS benefits - say via Maximize SS - what do you do then ? Telling it to SS sounds like about the last thing that will get anywhere. Put another way, how do you appeal SS benefits ?

Thanks - a subscriber

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This is another thing that SSA has screwed up. Just like how they deal with Part B Premiums when a person was paying on their own, then they start SS and SSA takes a bunch of money and people have to fight to get a refund. On and on they are horrible. Overpayments. Unless a SS recipient provided false info to SS, they should EAT any overpayment. Everything is in THEIR records. THEY determine what THEY will pay people. If THEY cannot do THEIR JOB accurately, it must be ON THEM, not the people receiving Soc Sec..

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The sub-titles on the 3 charts in the 2nd email are different from each other. One has a misspelling and all 3 have inappropriate word spacing. This makes me suspicious that they are scam/phishing attacks from bogus sources.

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Ask them to be sure the value displayed in the "Average Future Annual Salary" field is consistent. Delayed estimates are tied to that value. If the value in that field is lower than it was during a previous visit, the delayed/70 benefit value will be lower.

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