
Mike, You need to read the whole point and the adjective before spellbound. I think Biden did very well at times. Don't you. He's 81 for gosh sake. But I'm saying he needs to drop out. I've said this in prior columns too. Read till the end. best, Larry

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Trump is incapable to speaking even one sentence of the truth. So, we don't differ. But Biden will deliver the country to Trump unless he pulls out. best, Larry

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Hi Dick, I think you missed my column, "When You're Ripe, It's Time for You to Go." Biden needs to abdicate, yesterday. He's channelling Trump, as I've also written. You have my views confused with someone else's. best, Larry

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Why not nominate George Clooney? Apparently when he speaks, people listen. As long as the next president sticks to the Democratic program (holding that the executive branch has a lot of boring but important chores to carry out in the public interest, and that the federal government has a legitimate and essential role to play in concert with the private business community, and that the federal government is never "broke" as long as dollars are accepted) I don't much care who he or she is.

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Biden as Secretary of State? Perhaps if he would have been more forthcoming with military aid to Ukraine before the war started (as opposed to just offering Zelensky a safe haven when russia attacked) the world would be in a better place now. Perhaps he might have better assessed what would happen when we withdrew from Afghanistan some soldiers would still be alive? Yes Trump is dangerous and not good for our country but not being honest with the American people in regards to the mental fitness of our president is equally as dangerous (as well as the dem’s constant take down of our Supreme Court).

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Why are we talking only now about honesty in regards to the mental fitness of the President? Trump lied about covid. Trump lied about Jan 6. Trump lied about election fraud. Trump lied about replacing ACA. Trump lied during his multiple infrastructure weeks And, Trump lied about those tax cuts being so beneficial. Was Trump mentally fit or "unfit" for each of them?

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Biden lies when he claims we have a MAGA supreme court that is taking away our rights, Biden lies when he says Georgia election laws are bringing us back to jim crow days, Biden lies when he says blacks need to work 10x has hard as whites, Biden lies when he says the Palestinian people do not support Hamas, Biden lies when he says trump supports the Proud Boys. All these lies are slowly eroding confidence in our government institutions. If the dems would have been honest with the American people, we would have had a qualified candidate running against trump and this election would essentially be over. I will say the same for the republicans, if they would have taken the moral high road and dumped trump, we would be in a much better state. I think i will write in Larry for president as he seems to be the only one worried about our debt. I do disagree with his assessment of Biden’s performance at yesterday’s news conference. I heard very few real answers to the questions asked and lots of mumbling

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Proud Boys...Stand back and stand by. Were you concerned about the 6 to 8 billion Trump added to the debt ? Best example of Scotus taking away our rights is a woman's right to make her own reproductive decision. I think the Trump lies that I laid out are more egregious than the ones you mentioned because he is tampering with how our elections have been judged to be free and fair. I agree with you about the failure of the GOP to kick Trump out, especially immediately after Jan 6. We would be a much better place with better candidates, probably. That switcheroo really illustrated the intent, influence, and determination of the alliances I dub White Men's Christian Nationalism/Isolationism. I have to admit I had no idea of how significant these beliefs were seething below the surface.

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2400 soldiers died in Afghanistan…under Biden significantly fewer soldiers have died in combat than under Trump.

Do you think we have some kind of obligation to improve the lives of Afghans?? Because they were the people that harbored 9/11 terrorists and so that would mean you believe Israel has an obligation to improve the lives of Palestinians because they harbored 10/7 terrorists…that’s weird!!

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Im not comparing trump to biden, i just don’t agree with larry that biden would make a great Secretary of State. In regards to Afghanistan, i’m reasonably certain that Biden could have chosen a less chaotic approach to withdrawal that did not put our soldiers in danger and left billions im military equipment behind. In regards to Gaza, his miss characterization of the Palestinian support for Hamas is feeding into the anti-israel sentiment in our country.

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2400 soldiers died in Afghanistan…and the first 3 American soldiers to die in 2001 were from a bomb dropped by one of our bombers. And certainly you remember Tillman being killed by friendly fire. Both Afghanistan and Iraq were FUBAR pretty much from day 1.

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Obviously you are a diehard democrat and I don’t hold that against you because I like your views on economics. However, in ignoring the obvious with Biden it appears you are part of the problem. Biden is not the only person in America capable of sitting in the Oval Office. But you are willing to support a senior citizen with obvious mental deficiency because your party hid his infirmity from the public and did everything to hide it from public view. Your party is now stuck with him till he decides to leave. I believe you had a previous opinion article about Trump lying. A lot of us in the country are upset at the Democrat party, White House Staff, and the media for lying to us about his mental condition. He has a disaster of a debate and the house of cards falls. His wife Jill talks to him like a toddler, “ Joe you answered all the questions”, or something like that. In the words of Joe himself Larry, “come on man”.

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Whether Joe has had a deteriorating mental condition and the WH staff has had it is a minor concern when compared with the vindictive attitude of Don. Biden's rally tonight in my hometown of Detroit showed he still has the fire in his belly. Biden has made the decision "hell no, I won't go (away)". Once the dems realize and accept that, then they can focus on who they would rather wear the 47 jersey. If they decide to get out the vote in swing states by reminding voters.....you might want to make sure you VOTE to keep a dictator out ofd a 2nd term. Hey, how is this economy going ?

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I think the Project 2025 :" A Mandate for Leadership" will be the game changer. The GOP will continue to try to distance themselves with their rather vague official "platform" next week. But, really? There are so many subsets of groups that will have deep concern over their goose being cooked.......it will make the Women's March on Washington look like a peaceful protest. The most important polls are yet to be taken.

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AnonymousJul 13

If you want WWIII then yes Joe Biden for Secretary of State.

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Saying goofball Biden kept us spellbound was all I needed to know about what a hack you are! Show some integrity!

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Saying goofball Biden kept us spellbound was all I needed to know about what a hack you are! Show some integrity!

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Bad news, Larry. Joe is the same age as my mother was when I had take away her car keys. From there it was straight downhill.

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Be careful what you wish for. Just watch the Kamala Harris debate with Tulsi Gabbard 3 1/2 years ago and imagine the VP as Commander in Chief https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WabvabWvv8k. Trouble ahead!

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I won't click on any link thru this link. Since Biden is staying in, the issue of Kamala Harris at the top of a ticket is mute. The right would go an anti-woke attack with plenty of racial taunts disguised as criticizing "the dems' DEI" position. Being a former federal prosecutor and other assignments, like a U.S. Senator, etc, makes her qualified enough in my evaluation.

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Like I said before, this is an ongoing coup. The Heritage Foundation is already declaring the 2024 election is a fraud. They are already sowing doubt about the reliability of the upcoming election. Their election "integrity" argument, now, blames the Biden admin. Is this the United States of America ?

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Actually, Biden will be an "enemy of the State" along with Hillary, Comey, Jack Smith, Garland, Eric Holder, etc. I'm not joking. Trump has said so, and while not believe him ? I don't understand how people equate "strength" with being good for the country when he has said he will be a dictator on Day One.

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