I'm not into giving anyone a pass on corruption. If Biden is traced to brides, my column will be entitled "Lock him Up." But Koz, we are talking about top secret docs, for gosh sake. You ok with them out for public display? You ever work in the federal government? best, Larry

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If you’ve got the blue dress with DNA then let’s see it!! Otherwise I don’t want to hear about it. With Trump we’ve had audio recordings of his unethical and illegal actions…and I never believed anything about Russia Collusion because it was so asinine.

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U OK with reckless spending ? Devaluation of the dollar and a cut in real wages for decades to come ? No comments about Biden having confidential documents in his garage with Hunter and his druggies using the house ?

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HI Doug, First, thanks for begin a customer. We need as many as we can get and keep. Second, you do realize I ran for President against Clinton and Trump in 2016. So, I've had a long interest in politics. But I thought and think Clinton (both of them) were terrible and I supported his impeachment. I know nothing about Hunter's escapades and whether Joe enriched himself indirectly. I think Joe is doing a very good job on Ukraine. Otherwise, it's same old same old Democratic, brainless policy. I'm supporting Steve Laffey, a Republican. Check out stevelaffey.com. I'm his economics adviser. I think Trump is a clear and present danger to the country as evidenced by January 6th. But no one should indict him based on politics or such concerns. He's being indicted for violating the Espionage Act. It's clear he's guilty from the visual evidence. If Biden left boxes with nuclear secrets around for public viewing, I'd be publicly calling for his indictment and ouster. If he ends up being indicted, that will likely be for excellent reasons. Don't get what you like about Trump except that he's not a Democrat. Check out Laffey. He's a real person, a real American, and a grown up. best, Larry

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Jun 13, 2023

Larry thanks for your reply and insight. I will check out Steve Laffey. Doug

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Hi Dick, Pls give me a bullet list of what's been objectively determined about Hunter and its impact on the President's net wealth. I agree. If Hunter has been exploiting his association with his father, that's terrible, that in large part on his dad, but is it illegal? Jared has done this beyond measure. So have all the kids. But one bad doesn't excuse another. We're on the same page. But you know the facts about Hunter and I'd like to hear them. best, Larry

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Hi Dick, I ran for President as a write-in candidate against Hillary and Trump. I am no fan of Hillary's. I have an extremely low opinion of her and her husband. I didn't vote for Bill. I don't know enough about her email server. I'm ready to learn more. But I don't think it rises to the level of leaving nuclear top secret documents available to one and all. Should she have been prosecuted for her violations of security laws, I suspect the answer is yes. I was glad to see Bill impeached for lying under oath. I thought that was the right outcome. Whether he should have been removed from office is a separate question. Hope this answers you question. best, Larry

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Haha! Great point. best, Steve, Larry

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Why not concentrate on what you do well, ECONOMICS... and stand clear of that which you have not an inkling of what you're talking about. Prosecute Trump but ignore the Clintons, Obamas, and the Bidens? Serious Larry how bout you take a look in the mirror and figure out what you're really about. Love your software, hate your politics.

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I wonder if the Chinese spy who tried to penetrate Mar A Lago in March 2019 was already aware classified documents were being stockpiled. I also wonder by what values were the classified documents culled from the White House? For a memoir? For sale overseas? For blackmail domestically? But overall, I hope this legal pressure ultimately leads to insiders flipping. I want the smoking gun that proves beyond a doubt that President Trump actively inspired and orchestrated the January 6th attack on Congress. I expect Aaron Burr to be soon displaced as America's 2nd worst traitor.

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Deranged leftist. #BidenCrimeFamily

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You are a freckless tool of an evil criminal. I campaigned for G.H.W. Bush, then Ron Reagan. I'm contributing to the Nikki Haley '24 campaign. I believe in majority rule. I believe in accepting -- no matter how awful the outcome -- ballot box results. I believe our voting systems are fair -- and never perfect. (nothing human is ever perfect). I believe Donald Trump is purposefully undermining every ideal America cherishes for ego gratification and economic advancement. I believe Donald Trump is a Republican only because he determined (correctly) that he could cynically manipulate the patriotism of Republicans easier than the anti-Americanism motivations of the Democrats. Get your head out of your ass: you are supporting active undermining evil.

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Piss off RINO. U voted for dementia addled bribe taking Joe Biden and his crime family. Open borders, reckless spending, record high inflation. Piss off. U have no credibility. I support DeSantis anyway but anyone over leftists that you love

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Donald should be the first US President to go to prison like the hooligans he incited in the attempted coup to destroy democracy in this country.

And how come nobody is notifying him that since he actually won the last election to be President, he cannot run a third time. As per the 22nd amendment:

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once.

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I look forward to your equally critical analysis of Joe Biden and the questionable jobs Hunter has been hired for, and I especially am interested in your thoughts on Hillary’s closet email server with classified information contained.

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Re Hunter Biden, I just don't know enough about him and his activities to comment. If you have a link to an objective article about his actions, I'm happy to read it. We can't implicate the father for the behavior of the son. But if President Biden enriched himself improperly through his son's improper behavior, again, I'd like to read the facts from a respected, impartial journalist. Trump's behavior I've observed first hand. I speaks for itself. best, Larry

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Trump is a malignant narcissist which is basically a person who is convinced that they have special qualities and any criticism is perceived as envy by others in order to exert their superiority over him. The malignant part is essentially sociopath ic behavior that convinces himself and gullible others that he is right. Since there is no sense of Shame or guilt except in the unconscious he believes that any action taken by him in always justified. Not by the greater good but in enhancing his self perceived greatness and warding off external threats but also internal psychic threats. Having been rewarded by the presidency there is no going back for him. And of course his awareness that he can avoid legal consequences to his behavior. Unfortunately he has tapped into the primitive parts of human behavior which reinforces threat awareness and prejudices and given permission for others to act on these threats in a violent way. There is no greater clear and present danger given his following.

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Better him then corrupt Bidens

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The Biden crime family takes bribes and you argue about the presidential records act

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you're going to be really disappointed when the GOP is forced to admit that there is zero evidence of any Biden corruption. and when JB is re-elected. which is going to happen

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Larry, finding an objective article in this political climate is impossible in my opinion. However, an objective observation by oneself of the facts exposed in Hunter’s lap top computer coupled with the job opportunities he was able to attain with no known specific job knowledge should cause even a partisan to question how he was able to land such lucrative employment. I know a father is not responsible for the behavior of his son. But a father with integrity would not excuse his sons behavior; instead, he would allow the system in place that the rest of us live under run it’s course without interference. Sadly, it appears President Biden has not taken the integrity position.

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Boo hoo, I’m sorry the fact Hunter conned a billion dollars out of China has you butthurt. I think it’s funny he has a billion dollars and can impregnate strippers willy nilly. Just some advice for Hunter and Trump—always use a condom when humping strippers AND porn stars.

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Jun 11, 2023

Larry, I love your software packages. I originally signed up for maximize Social Security and then when you came out with a Maxifi planner and I was one of your first subscribers. I also began listening to your podcasts which are usually about an hour long. I was contemplating signing up for a paid subscription to your newsletter. It was only after I listened to several podcasts that I began to wonder why you changed your focus to politics versus staying with your very excellent product. It has really turned me off. Please don’t push a political agenda down our throats and distract from a very good product. This makes you no different than any other business trying to push a political agenda. I have just read your comments about President Trump and would like to know when you were going to post a very similar email asking the exact same questions of Joe. Biden, Hunter Biden and Mrs Clinton. To most of us out there we are questioning the different standards of investigation being applied to one party vs another but would never consider including it with MaxifiPlanner I am very politically savvy and we’re not stupid about the Biden, Clinton, Obama Agendas. So please keep politics out of it and concentrate on your excellent product which I will continue to use. Thank you

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Let me guess—in 2003 you were masturbating to the videos of innocent Muslims being blown up by our bombs?? I’m sorry your dream girl, Lizard Cheney, is no longer in Congress…so sadz.

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You seem to be a good honest man, but that does not make one right.

Top secret Docs? It looks like some of the things Trump did were dopey or careless, but the actual actions don't seem to come close to Treason. The left is over exaggerating the actions, because of their extreme hatred of Trump (he called them bad names). Has anyone looked at the one million? docs that Obama stored in the old furniture warehouse? What kind of Docs has Biden (as Senator) scattered all over, including the office where the Chinese rent from them. Very strange.

If all the evidence implicating the "Big Guy" comes to light, then, as you implied, there is real Treason. It won't get that far. Too much is being blocked by the powers that be!

I think that if you spent as much time researching "The Bidens", "The Clintons, the FBI bias, the IRS bias, Alan Bragg loonyness, the crazy liberal judges, etc., you would certainly have a different political opinion. I could go on for many pages, beginning with Harry Reid admitting he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes, but said "Well. we won, didn't we". It only got worse from there, much worse.

Donald Trump does many childish things, but he had the country running very well, we were oil exporters, not importers, Russia was under control and would have never invaded Ukraine, North Korea would not be threatening us, Iran would not go nuclear, etc. Why would Trump agree to be a Russian spy?

Larry, is this true? "Any Politician that became wealthy while in office, IS A CROOK!

If the election becomes Biden vs. Trump, DeSantis or Ramaswamy, I know I won't vote for the crook.

Old Saying: Democrats are replacing things that worked, with things that sound good. Thomas Sowell

All the best to you,


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You must have been in a coma in March 2020 because the country wasn’t running well in those dark days. Do you think China unleashed the bioweapon into America because they believed Trump to be a big flappy pussy??

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