To MARZ: Hitler wrote his book "Mein Kampf" from jail after an unsuccessful uprising in Munich, Bavaria - before he came to power nationally. It announced that Germany needs more space, and he intended to expand to the east. He had hoped that the UK and the rest of Europe as well as the US would tolerate his expansion. Since the UK and then other nations he had not invaded yet did ultimately not appease his eastern expansion (the UK to their credit were first), the conflict became a global one. Russia first appeased him (Hitler-Stalin Pact), but of course changed course later. - An autocrat does not necessarily have world domination as their objective to be dangerous to the stability of the world.
Rudi, Fully agree. Very dangerous times. best, Larry
To MARZ: Hitler wrote his book "Mein Kampf" from jail after an unsuccessful uprising in Munich, Bavaria - before he came to power nationally. It announced that Germany needs more space, and he intended to expand to the east. He had hoped that the UK and the rest of Europe as well as the US would tolerate his expansion. Since the UK and then other nations he had not invaded yet did ultimately not appease his eastern expansion (the UK to their credit were first), the conflict became a global one. Russia first appeased him (Hitler-Stalin Pact), but of course changed course later. - An autocrat does not necessarily have world domination as their objective to be dangerous to the stability of the world.
Hitler didn't start out by announcing his plan for world domination either. Why would anyone, it would be a huge strategic mistake