Good luck. What a nightmare. Larry

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Yup. But they aren't. Just unreal.

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Thanks, but I doubt it. We are pushing, though.

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Thank you for continuing to bring these horror stories to light. If Social Security was able to waive our overpayment because of 60 Minutes, I'm sure they can waive others.

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I hope this well-written plea is successful.

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I received a claw back letter about a month back. I requested information on the amount owed. My over payment was a mistake in 2012. I declared my early benefit earnings while working and had calculated based on IRS rules for my W-2 after 401k witholding. The SSA has a different set of rules. I also requested a hearing 11 years ago and I thought they never tried to collect because they had never given me my requested hearing. I'm 73 years old and my check is due on Friday. Today I received a second letter and no check will be coming. Over the next three months they will take most of my current benefit. The amounts are odd and don't total what they say I owe. I'll go tomorrow and see if the genie can get back inside the bottle. I'll check the SSA manual and review the rights I have.

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