Hi Mary, I'm advising Steve on his economics policy. I'm not saying I'd vote for Steve over, say, Biden. Nor am I unwilling to advise other candidates on their policy plans. As I wrote, I'm not in agreement on all of Steve's positions. I'm certainly not in agreement on his abortion position. I think women and their doctors need to decide, not the feds and not state govs. All rights not delegated to the federal government are retained by the states and people -- that's how our Constitution reads. Somehow, this right is being handed to states, not people. I think that's the fundamental problem in the Supreme's ruling. In any case, Steve and I have discussed this issue. He is not for keeping a women living in, say, Idaho to go to CA to get an abortion. Nor is he for banning purchase of abortion pills and receipt through the mail. Steve is a highly religious person. His positions on all issues are based on his morality, not on their popularity. He's a truly brilliant, humaned, and marvelous person. All I can say in response. best, Larry

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Could you tell me more about the statement you made, that Steve Laffey is “highly religious”.

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Not at all interested in voting for anyone who doesn’t understand a woman’s right to decide how she wants/needs to proceed if pregnant. Absolutely sick and tired if hearing men’s views on abortion, when they will never have to face what women face. I will never vote for an anti-abortion candidate.

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