
That would be great! best, Larry

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The irony, of course, is that white slaveowners and their sons systematically raped black women to produce more slaves.

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AnonymousJul 30

The entire goal of the democratic party is to divide people into "groups" so they can create strife between the "groups to create chaos and expand their control. The democratic party is the author of racism and spreads division via "equity" which is not what America is founded upon. America is founded upon equal opportunity not guaranteed outcomes for different preferred skin color groups. The new ideas are put forth by everyone but the democrats who want to destroy history, language, and education.

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Hmmm, let me see. Groups, like childless couples, "black" jobs, immigrants from "good" countries vs. bad countries, Christian nationalism vs all religions, Yes, of course these are Democratic divisive platforms.

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Terrific article...and offer. Thanks. Too many people are much less interested in genuine policy discussions than in the old days. Sad. But, that is their fault. With less than 100 days to go, a few attempts to discuss policy platforms are possible. I suggest a "debate" week for mid September. Model it after these party conventions but with less garbage, top notch moderators, major network involvement and other less mainstream media involvement. And, fact checkers!! Historians. Even those ubiquitous economists that Mr. Kotlikoff suggests. One overseeing agency could be PBS.

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