Hi Bailey, Pls shoot me what you'd like us to post re a testimonial at kotlikoff@gmail.com. Thanks so much for your support. Love to chat about marketing ideas. My cell is 617 834-2148. Re the testimonial, I also need your location and occupation. Yours, Larry

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Michael D's comment is spot-on. Our country's main way of financing public education is by real estate taxes in local communities, which guarantees that schools in poorer areas will be underfunded. That is a national disgrace.

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Aren’t the poor PISA scores linked to income inequality and underfunding of schools in poor areas?

Americans choose to reduce the educational outcomes of the poor to improve the outcomes for the upper class, right? It’s a choice

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Why worry.....chatGPT will save Murica!

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As a sales and marketers at heart, I'm glad to see you promoting Maxifi. This was the information I'd been looking for. Instead of being asked by every financial planner how did I want retire, Maxfi gave me the straight information about what my retirement income would afford me in retirement. From a marketing perspective, please use this and every opportunity to ask for and post testimonials. The most important things that potential buyers want to hear. Proof of concept!

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