Larry, I signed up for this blog because I enjoy your software, Maxifi. It's bit different than other financial planning tools, but it's a nice alternative. However, this blog has gotten way too political for my taste. I read a lot on both sides, but I was expecting economics/financial planning discussions on this blog, not politics. I give you credit for being an expert on financial planning, but not politics. Stick with what you know and keep your (and your guest's) opinions about ukraine, trump, biden, etc to yourself. Or just start another blog and advertise it for what it is.

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Hi Daniel, I hear you. This is why I'm signaling about the content of the posting. I'm interested in writing beyond economics. No need to read or watch anything that's not on that topic. There are a series of podcasts waiting to be posting on financial planning. Re other content, I am trying to get at facts that subscribers wouldn't otherwise get and views that subscribers wouldn't otherwise hear. This is not opinion per se. When I say our best strategy is to make Putin pay with his life if he launches a nuke of any type on anyone, that's not an opinion. That' s a tactic that I started writing about in the Spring and that General McMaster just endorsed publicly a week ago. I do have readers who are extremely high up in the Administration and who also worked at the top of Trump's Administration. When I write about Ukraine, I'm largely writing to them.

Hang in with me. And just read selectively. best, larry

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I thought this was a blog about economics, not left wing politics. I'd like my money back. I have plenty of opportunities to listen to marxist idealogs for free if I choose to do so.

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Hi Daniel,

I agree that David speculated on some things about which he doesn't have direct proof.

I'm trying to make this a blog about a range of topics. See all my writings and interviews about Ukraine for example.

But most of what I write and most of the podcasts will be about economics, particularly personal finance. Doing a podcast tomorrow on Medicare. Have two podcasts to post with personal finance journalists.

If you would please call me at 617 834-2148, we'll figure out how to process the refund. I can't do it directly. But I'll also provide you a lifetime subscription for free. I'd rather have you as a subscriber giving me ... when you feel it's needed!

My best, Larry

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I understand the complaints below about this episode not specifically addressing investment issues. But anyone who thinks that Trump, his cronies, and copycats like DeSantis will not affect the economy and company investment performance are sorely mistaken. Trump has stated he admires Putin for running Russia like his own company, the latter installing his loyalists as operators of previously domestic and foreign companies (https://www.ft.com/content/503fb110-f91e-4bed-b6dc-0d09582dd007). DeSantis has attacked Disney, Cruise Lines, and the Tampa Bay Rays (https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/nation/2022/10/19/how-desantis-used-disneys-missteps-to-wage-war-on-corporate-america/69575057007/). We can absolutely expect more of this to happen. Yes, Trump and his acolytes will continue to give tax breaks to people who fall in line, but this will devastate the U.S. economy. You've got to invest in people, not campaign donors, to have a healthy economy.

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The Big Cheat -- How Donald Trump Fleeced America and Enriched Himself and His Family (1921)

1921? Someone's fingers have trouble with which is the current century.

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Fixed. Thanks, Larry

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