
Mary, Agreed. But will enough vote for him? He looks and sounds like he is -- too old for this job.

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Hi Charles, I think the safer course is to step down if Michelle would agree to run. She will wipe the floor of Trump. There are others who would as well. He needs to specify his replacement in the course of stepping down so we don't have a convention fight. best, Larry

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Maybe before criticizing Trump’s physical appearance you should re-evaluate your own profile pic. How petty can you be and still want your readers to think you’re a stable, thinking person. I also wonder how people who have a media presence such as you consider to themselves the ultimate and all knowing fact checkers. Just stick to economics. Your political persuasions and opinions are ripe.

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1000 up votes Richard. Larry , TDS has ahold on you bro.

Stick to your strengths….economic issues.


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As a Republican strategist pointed out last night, the debate was performance art. Trump is a performance artist and, without fact-checking (which was painfully absent), he knows the craft. His performance was remarkable--that is, for his lies and deflections. What is important is to examine what he actually said that was truthful: He defended the Jan6 rioters, repeated the Big Lie about the 2020 election, and said (in effect) that he would not accept the election results of this election (IMO a disqualifier for anyone running for a democratically elected office).

Biden definitely had an off night--he was clearly stuffed with statistics and facts, and his voice had been overused in preparations and mock debates. He appeared to be nervous and exhausted. I think he should shuffle his campaign staff and focus on a) how to address the firehose of lies (in a debate and in the campaign), b) on one-line rejoinders to his opponent's stance toward the truth and [most importantly] c) how to emphasize the considerable accomplishments of his term so far--and the work left to be done.

But Biden should NOT step down here. The tone that his opponent has adopted toward him (and toward our country) is going to have a backwash effect--people are fatigued of the Trump attitude, the lies, the hyperbole... and this was just a reminder of what we would have to put up with.

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Michelle Obama has no interest in being president. President Joe Biden has also had a stuttering issue since childhood, and no one ever seems to recognize this, which is part of the reason for his stumbling with words. He supports Democratic principles, which is why people will vote for him.

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Larry, why would you advocate for Michelle when she has never even served in a governmental position in her entire life? Don’t you think people should still gain political experience in local govt or Congress/Senate? True, DJT didn’t have any experience in politics, but he has been at the leadership helm as CEO of many business and broadcasting ventures. Where’s her life experience? Mother and First Lady? She’s well liked by the base. That’s about it.

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Economic opinion's matter, political opinions don't. Guess which one of your's has value.

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