

With you 100 percent.

best, Larry

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Too close for comfort, Kerry. best, Larry

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He wouldn't. But Trump's not likely to serve time or much time for those felonies. My guess. best Larry

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Hi Jeffrey, Fair enough. best, Larry

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AnonymousJul 14

Considering that Biden told his followers to "put Trump in the cross hairs" this last week who could have figured what that meant. The Russia, Russia, Russia, the 51 "Intelligence" experts on the laptop, the impeachment hoax, the Lawfare, and etc has been constant attack on Trump by the Democrats. None of their efforts have worked so all that the democrats have left is assassination of their political competition. CNN reported that Trump "fell" at the event. Nothing about being shot or the attempted assassination of the former President. Doesn't that tell the left leaning crowd in our nation something about the media propaganda complex?

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Larry, admired your work for years. However, Your statement is specious on its face. “ Trump should simultaneously publicly reject retribution and acknowledge he lost the election”

Has your head been so up the Financial tunnel that you do not realize that Conciliatory actions on the part of Donald John Trump is a psychological and political impossibility? That any pardoning of Trump’s actions since the day he announced for the presidency would not turn down the rhetoric or the division one single inch?

I am an old-school Republican, and I am ashamed at the party that slaps the name Republican on it. You know it, and I know it. Pardoning Trump is in essence acquiescence to what Trump and the “Republican” party have represented themselves to be over the past 8 to 10 years. You cannot parse it, you cannot rationalize it, you cannot accept it

Donald John Trump and his ilk, including the Supreme Court, represent a clear and present danger to this country me, my children, my grandchildren, as well as your family.

If you cannot, or will not remember that, if the center does not hold, things will fall apart, and electing Donald Trump or pardoning his or the actions of his party would be the catalyst for dissolution of this country

My strong suggestion is that you stick to finance. We all have to face our level of incompetency sometime. You have I think reached it

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Wrong Brad. Just wrong.

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“You may gain temporary appeasement by a policy of concession to violence, but you do not gain lasting peace that way.”

Anthony Eden

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I understand that Brad. Please look to the lefts rhetoric about PDJT since he first announced his run for the presidency.

Vitriol and treats of violence from media and politicians. It’s sad really. The thirst for power and control has finally been exposed.

Wake up brother, you’re pointing fingers at the wrong person/people.

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Absolutely the center has to hold. I applaud you, sincerely, for holding your principles. unlike those of the former GOP who enabled Trump to preside at his alter today. They had their opportunities to put country over a strongman. These people were talked out of it by the rich, religious right who exiled themselves from more centrist positions and seeking to be in a more powerful position. Good luck going forward and seek intervention if you need it.

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How would Biden "pardon" a state law violation?

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I'd say not respecting the results of an election is THE antithesis of a democracy. Formenting doubt about the "integrity" of the vote and not conceding is the antithesis of democracy. Speaking at a rally before the march to the capital and saying "you have to fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore" and then doing nothing as POTUS for 3 hrs 7 minutes is a threat to democracy. Never before have we had to try to swallow crap like this.

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And i would argue that demonizing the supreme court justices just because you don’t believe constitutionalist judges (vs revisionist judges) should serve is equally damaging to democracy. Also, the dems effort to tear down solid voter id laws make it real easy for trump to be successful at claiming election fraud. They are feeding the mistrust.

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You are making a false equivalency. Conceding the result of a Presidential election is fundamental to democracy. When the judicial decisions came down, over 60, confirm no fraud, Trump sought other ways to sow doubt in the legitimacy of the election.....which is also the antithesis of democracy. Trump did not regard those decisions by those judges to be legitimate. On Jan 6, Mike Pence did the right thing....after seeking legal and personal counsel and fending off Trump's prior communications to the contrary. And then the Vice President was vilified for that. And, Trump never talked to him again, even to ask if he was okay after seeking shelter in the bowels of our nation's capitol on Jan 6.

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I respectively disagree with your false equivalency statement. Believing in the integrity of our 3 branches of government is equally important for our democracy. Disagreeing with court decisions is one thing, telling the american people the decisions are being made by corrupt judges is another thing entirely. As an example, i disagree with the recent Roe decision but i understand the justices position in overturning it. I also understand that

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To continue, i understand that congress can modify the constitution to provide abortion rights if enough Americans want them to. It should be explained this way to the american people.

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Do we know anything about the gunman, except that he was 20 and used an AR-15 type weapon? Who in American is most likely to own AR-15 type weapons? Who justifies the ownership of AR-15 type weapons as powerful expressions of 2nd Amendment rights?

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I always appreciate your thought-provoking commentary. I despise the thought of a pardon for DJT, but I feel that the country is so divided and polarized in such a violent manner that, I believe, the only way out is for both parties to offer conciliatory moves and show that we all need to come back to the center to negotiate.

The "we" and "they" narratives are fueling this fire. I've voted for both parties many times in my lifetime. I'm neither us or them. Everyone must diffuse this situation and come together.

Therefore, I applaud your proposal. I value your willingness to proffer your ideas.

Thank you,


Concord, MA

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I agree with most of what you said with the exception of the pardon. Biden cannot pardon a state conviction. The is up to the governor of NY. Now the comment by Bradtheman is exactly why the left will most likely not tone things down. In the history of assignations and attempts, it is 4 to 1. Lincoln, Reagan, Ford, Trump , and Kennedy. Four republicans to one Democrat. Which side has a problem with gun violence? Since the media is nothing more than a spokesperson for the Democrats there is a constant message of the end of democracy , the world will stop spinning, the magnetic poles will reverse, bla bla. Do democrats really think our constitution cannot survive 4 years of Trump? Sadly we are beyond the peaceful transition of power. One of the things that made America different from the rest of the world.

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Now that it appears a virtual certainty that Trump will win in November despite everything that has been thrown at him, you suggest a pardon, for a conviction that will likely be reversed in appeal?

I think it's a bit too late for that play. Nice try.

Both parties are offering very distinct candidates so we will know soon enough which way the PEOPLE want to go.

Pretty simple i'd say.

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I don't think he's going to win. I think a silent majority of Americans has seen enough of the Trump show.

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Glad you’re on the right side of this one.

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Well said.

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