
Hi Dave, Agreed. And Joe, also agreed. best, Larry

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Hi John, I hope you are right re Trump. To me he is just an incoherent blowhard who is in thrall to Putin. best, Larry

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Stop whining Larry. Trump is the problem! Trump is the BIGGEST LIAR America has ever seen. In the past, even one small lie was the END of a political career. Trump just barrages ahead (like his mentor Roy Cohen trained him) and his followers do not give a damn. Because they think he cares. He doesn't. He is only using them. The sick part is like always, Trump doesn't give a DAMN about anyone but himself. He doesn't even care about those that follow him. He does care about and worships MONEY and the more he gets the better for him and his billionaire buddies who are SCREWING the rest of us! Gee I wonder why the billionaires are making money hand over foot and corporations are reporting record profits? You only have to look at how he has treated ANYONE he has dealt with his entire life to see the proof. An example, I talked to someone from North Dakota who had a relative who dealt with Trump and he said that Trump stiffed him and would never work with Trump again. But his followers do NOT want to hear those stories. A second Trump term would be the end of American democracy. He would follow Project 2025 and in case you missed it - good ole Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation warned us that if we do not get in line they may use violence against us. What a way to rule a country. Do as you are told peasant or else. You okay with that? I have seen many many replies saying go ahead and see what happens Kevin. Trump is a CANCER and needs to be eliminated from the American political scene once and for all. Then he can go back to screwing the people he does business with. Plus do NOT forget Trump is 78 years old (2 years from 80) and he has had any number of strange behaviors in addition to his normal unhinged actions.

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People need to pay attention to Project 2025, the candidate that promises retribution and will be a dictator on Day One, and Monday's SCOTUS decision that seemingly gives the Executive branch supreme power to do what they deem to be necessary. This is no joke and I think Larry has dropped the ball, here. What in God's name is so hard to understand here.

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EVERYONE that cares about the future of America must spread the word about what our country will look like and be like under Project 2025. It will be terrible!!!!!

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Hi Susan,

The solution is Biden declares 6 candidates he'd be happy to replace him on the ticket and they debate for 6 nights on 6 topics each night. Something like that. Happy to be one of the six.

Cheers, Larry

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Thanks for offering a solution......and for your concern, involvement, and providing this thread. Post debate Trump has not increased his support and some independents left him ...why? Becuz they did not like the lies and his bombastardness......which is not "strength" but a deflection of a willingness to discuss any issue. At this time, I believe democrats should take the Pledge that MAGA adopted over and over....regardless....He's my guy! If the dems come out 100% and work their own elections re: legislative accomplishments vs. MAGA obstinance and chaos. Lastly, polls on July 1st do NOT always guarantee future election success. The dems better solve this issue soon and get back to slamming the reality TV star for the fraud he is. There is a lot there to work with.

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Hi Anne,

Biden will lose. It's that simple. best, Larry

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Dear Gunnar,

Couldn't agree more.

Yours, Larry

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Bill, Don't know much about Biden's past, so appreciate this lesson. My best, Larry

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Larry, sadly you failed to include the culpability of the major media outlets in this. Who has been saying that Biden was on the top of his game for the past 3 years? Who never challenged Biden on the fact that he never did press conferences? Who just repeated the Democrat talking points about Biden’s fitness? Who claims they are anointed by the first amendment to keep the American public informed? The main stream media! They failed America.

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Remember when Biden bragged about forcing Ukraine to fire prosecutor leading corruption probe into Burisma, where Hunter was a board member? Good times.

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Your point is excellent. It illustrates how much of a short time memory the majority of Americans have. There have been so many eye-popping events over our last 8 years. And, yet, so many people have their undies in a tight space over what is.....and what has the WH hidden from all of us. Yes, people THAT was Trump's White House and those "good" times were not better than the current great times. Look it up.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

All politicians are liars. IN fact , the best liars are the most likely to get elected. If you really think Joe just started to lie, you are not paying attention. (He lies about everything ! )

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AnonymousJul 4

Interesting article. In my opinion it is a toss up between the two. The choice is between a senior citizen, in obvious mental decline, that has pushed totalitarian measures upon the American Citizen from day one. A thinking man would also question who has actually been running the Federal Government for 3-1/2 years? Whoever it has been have been the agents of chaos, inflation, and crime. The other choice is Trump who had a great economy, jobs galore, and low inflation. Hmmm.

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Today's economy is better and has been for the last 2 years. Low unemployment. Wage gains. Record corporate profits. Record breaking stock market this week...again....Trump said it would be depression like under Biden, high home sale prices, and inflation is slowly decreasing. Chaos? best defined by those Trump press conferences during Covid remember the bleach ? People have forgotten just how bad his response to Covid was.

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Larry! Quit bitching and come up with a better solution! Time is running out and I may not totally like what we have in Biden but I hate the idea of Trump being any where near the white house. I would take Biden on his death bed over Trump any day and hope that all the people that Biden put in place can stear the ship long enough to find a solution but right now we are running out of time. November will be here before you know it. So come up with a solution.

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Agree. Russell Vought as Trump's Chief of Staff. Stephen Miller as chief advisor again. The GOP leaders will draft their party platform in private at the RNC. They may and they will deny the Project 2025: A Mandate for Leadership. I focus on the word "mandate". Truth is, this Pro 25 is it. Nobody shows real responsibility by dismissing.....this blueprint.....to any degree. Consider the flip-flop in the immediate aftermath of Jan 6. Why the flip on what they saw with their own eyes and ears by being inside the chamber? The alliance of the theocrats, autocrats, white isolationists and nationalists said. "but wait......this was justified to save our country" insisted on pretending it was more of a picnic than anything else. Yes, I agree Larry needs to come up with a solution for this "Is Biden too old? Does it matter if Trump lies more than all the time? discussion. 45 has said he will a dictator on Day One. Believe that.

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tend to agree, but not sure it is dementia. With a stiff gait, a vocal tic (chronic hoarseness), and difficulty expressing his thoughts clearly ( possibly a type of expressive aphasia) when stressed, it could be a Parkinsonian condition. I dont believe he and his docs are doing a diagnostic workup for fear of finding something. But Biden has empathy, a compassionate vision, and while I also prefer someone else step in that we can rally around, I would still vote for Biden if his opponent is Trump

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In the context of just having lost the Rule of Law thanks to the recent SCOTUS rulings (coup), this post is very proactive in that it seems trivial. The stakes now exceed parties and candidates.

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Thank you Larry. Along with entitled and egomaniacal presidential candidates and journalistic malpractice, let’s not forget the US Senators who failed to uphold their oath ‘to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic [and] bear true faith and allegiance to the same’ for bringing us to this sorry state.

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Exactly. The real whitewashing was Jan 6, 2021. Read or watch the highest elected officials in our land say ONE thing afterwards and relatively quickly over the next few weeks climb back on the Trump train. Amnesia, influence, power, and threats.....led to a lapse in their pledge to the oath that they swore to.

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Biden has been a compulsive liar all of his career. Do a google search on his previous whoppers going back to the 80's including his fact checked lie that he graduated at the top of his class when he was 76th out of 85. Or the lie about getting 3 degrees when he barely got one. So many more examples that show the stretching the truth is not new to him. Neither candidate is even close to perfect, but the winner will most likely nominate at least one Supreme Court Justice. Biden proved without a reasonable doubt last Thursday that he is not up to that task.

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