
Mike, careful what you wish for.

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Yes, they all need to grow a pair. Absolutely with you on this!

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Perhaps time for Plan B: How to keep democracy alive until 2028, despite Republican control of all three branches of government? Despite near-fatal setbacks for climate change, civil rights, public education, public health, etc.... and the remaking of the whole country in the image of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

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My plan B would be the Democratic National Convention. You listed the top of the list of aggrieved constituencies. Young people, women, minorities, teachers, school administrators, union workers, the health care sector, municipal and state personnel, federal workers especially the justice department and any civil service workers, and on and on. People do not want to lose their rights to autocrats. Everybody needs to come to the big tent convention and get excited.

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AnonymousJul 18

So you want to disenfranchise all of the Democrat primary voters that were forced to vote for Joe Biden? You want to commit fraud on all of the democrat financial contributors? You want to truly destroy Democracy? Come on man!

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How about convincing Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney to switch sides😊

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

The race is virtually over, regardless of who the Democrats run against Trump - too much momentum on the Trump side. If Biden steps aside, it's Kamala, who is no more popular than Biden. None of the other candidates want to run in a shortened campaign - if they lose, their presidential aspirations are over. Whitmer and Newsom want to run in 2028, when they have the time and opportunity to frame their campaigns the way they want. The Dems are boxed in, and Biden is to blame - selected a weaker VP than himself, and waited too late to get out.

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None of these alternative Democrats had the courage to run against President Biden when they had the opportunity to do so and none of them have the courage to come out and say that the President should step down and that they want the nomination now.

That in itself is disqualifying in my opinion.

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I cannot wait for the next conversation. Big donors, "big" influencers, were right about the need for Biden to go. Apparently did not prefer Harris to replace him. Biden's decision to endorse her was the best "in your face" maneuver I've ever seen. The general national consensus is political atrophy due to Trump's tactics of hate and chaos over the last 9 years. Now, it is really "cool" to be engaged in politics and that will be the difference. It is not popular to take people's rights away.

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So we now have a candidate that may be “cool” but is further left than Biden and if your statement about trumps support for Project 2025 is correct, a far right candidate. The democrats blew a perfect opportunity to select a moderate democrat that could have easily beaten Trump and united the country. This will not end well regardless of who wins.

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I am glad you weighed in. Your analysis is correct, altho no other Democrat would have been able to bring out the vote like Harris.....perhaps that candidate could have been able to win in the general but Harris has the better chance imo. Project 2025....even in a more limited edition....and it will come fairly quickly...combined with Trump's promise of retribution is the very worst outcome. You should familiarize yourself with pro-'25. It personifies a power grab of our form of gov't. I said that it is an ongoing coup by the Christian Nationalists. They want to "save " or "take back" our country. From what? When so many say "Never surrender" that is scary. I'm trying really hard to not be antagonistic. I know I am no centrist, but the GOP plan to centralize power in the executive.branch .i.e. P-2025....is absurd. Tell me some of what Harris could or would do that is more monumental. Have a good day, Rayman

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Interesting editorial in WSJ today, “whose afraid of project 2025”. Good read, does not sound to scary to me.

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Off the top of my head.......Government employees would have to pledge loyalty to the whims and wishes of the President. Woman's choice would be eliminated and "fetal Personhood" would define woman's health care as secondary to "the government's" rules. Birth control and IVF would be prohibited. Pro '25 would eliminate the Dep't of Education, privatize the National Weather Service while eliminating NOAA. I have no idea how the Journal can opine that it is "a nothing burger". Read some of it.

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I brought it up but I am not a subscriber.. Let me guess. The OP says most of this stuff couldn't happen becuz of some checks and balances or SCOTUS wouldn't allow it. Be aware that Murdoch certainly wants to downplay this as some sort of a "wish list", knowing this manifesto is real fodder for the left to chew on. If given the opportunity, yes, the right would love to take advantage and Stick it the Libs big time and for good. I have read selected chapters. It is no joke. Have you read any of it ?

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Per WSJ, the dems biggest concern is "reining in of the administrative state including civil service reform that would make it easier to remove some government workers and revisiting the independent status of some agencies like the FTC" (which the latter WSJ believes will not happen). WSJ believes "getting control over the bureaucracy would improve accountability" and minimize "being ruled by a permanent governing class that does not answer to voters". Some items are "standard conservative fare" such as reduction in corporate tax rate. WSJ appears to believe high corporate taxes "falls heavily on workers" . Also motioned is "tying welfare programs with work, deregulating health insurance markets, expanding medicare advantage programs, reviving energy production". WSJ states "these all sound good to us". Sounds good to me also. The WSJ also states Project 2025 includes competing essays one trade. Anyway, the WSJ editorial board is not a MAGA mouthpiece. but, yes they are generally conservative in their opinions. I have not read the actual Project 2025 document, perhaps I will at some point.

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Thank you for taking even more time to explain what the Journal says. Yes, read the Mandate at your convenience....maybe when a rainy period arrives. The Journal is not MAGA but is certainly friendly "fire" to accomplishing what the well connected see is very necessary. The devil, like usual, is in the details.....but, here, also the intent. Trump is a cult leader who is hell-bent on retribution, cleaning up his legacy, emerging a hero and savior,...by paying back his supporters...especially the rich...who reap the benefits of this project. This is the idea of it and it comes down to degree of the intent: Remove "some" of the gov't workers, revisiting the "independent" status of agencies like FTC...add IRS..., to improve "accountability", Deregulating health mandates....bring back pre-existing conditions, too? This sentence sums it up: "Being RULED by a permanent governing class that does not answer to voters" We have been a nation for nearly 250 years. We have voted and institutionalized the separation of powers and the independence of our agencies and departments. People need to understand the intent is take us back to what our Declaration of Independence intended...and dismiss it.

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You got your wish, Larry. Vice President Harris will bring more energy to the campaign especially in regards to Project 2025: A mandate for Leadership". With former Trump aide John McEntte already working hard to fill assignments with "loyalists"......the cat is out of the bag.

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It is 9AM on Sat 7-20. Whatever the polling indicates about Biden pulls out, There is no way the Dems will beat Trump without Harris at the top.

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Addressing rational arguments to a person who has lost his ability to reason is unlikley to be productive.

Quien con perros se echa, con pulgas se levanta.

If you lie down with dogs, you will rise up with fleas.

Old Spanish Proverb.

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“Whoever the Dems pick can attack with a passion for character, honesty, and integrity”

Delusional. Name a democrat with character, honor, or integrity. Newsome? Kackling Kamala? Raskin? Goldberg? Lizzy Warren?

Nest of vipers is the best they can do.

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I'd like to know where you get your info. I certainly do not think your guy at the top has any of those attributes. Come on, man ! And, that is why we plenty of former republicans staying on the sidelines if not openly criticizing. They can't stand him.

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Nothing converts the doubters like Winning. And lately there has been a lot of Winning. When the other side is bracing to throw their candidate overboard because he can’t win … that’s winning.

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I do not see any of the Reagan era Repubs... and beyond joining the MAGA movement from here on out. I still see Project 2025 as killing the movement. It throw nearly everybody overboard.

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We have seen momentum turn in the past, and this is early...yet. What is interesting is who is NOT at the RNC. It is a smaller enclave of passionate people than before. It is really a little tent with many, many tenets that offend so many groups. So, it comes down to the independents and centrist. I believe substance over style will be the difference as Americans get away from the strongman TV star. Whoever the Dems pick can attack with a passion for character, honesty, and integrity and discuss what the GOP has morphed into. And, please talk up this absolutely terrific economy versus those tariffs. . The big tent will fill up with "thinkers" who understand what they are in for with a TV presidency.

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Time to poop your pants little Larry!

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deletedJul 17
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